Update 240411

Worker jobs

Send your peasants to work. Right click on a building to assign jobs. Workers will run about their business on their own.


Two types of resources are available for now. Wood cut down in the lumber camp and water taken out from the well. Resources are transported between buildings by routes. Those routes must be manually placed. Each route defines one or more types of materials and direction in which those materials are transported. Workers assigned to buildings with routes will move materials between the buildings. You have full control over the distribution of materials. A saved game is available to see how it works.

Building construction

Buildings are constructed from resources. Workers from camps have to first bring all necessary materials to the construction site. Once all materials are present, they can start constructing the building from ground up.


You can display screen overlays to highlight units or logistics routes.


Facteroids2itch.zip 120 MB
Apr 11, 2024

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